Letters to the Editor | The Coast Halifax

Letters to the Editor

Policing the Square?

What's with the police occupation of Uniacke Square? It seems ridiculous 2 me to have a sattelite office set up 2 blocks from headquarters. It's totally redundant, unless (of course) Hrm wishes to send out the message that there is a disproportunate amount of crime occurring there. I mean, every time i go through there I see an SUV and sometimes a paddy wagon on the ready. I've got a better idea.Why dont the police just don their riot gear and patrol the streets in marching formation until everyone stays inside. There's a solution to all your worries.It's bad enough that the police sit in their cars at school crossings on Brunswick St. in the winter, but that they can't walk a couple of blocks (or ride bikes-or Vespa's) to patrol neighborhoods seems pretty stupid.What's the cost of maintaining a sattelite station-nevermind its proximity to the central one? Wouldn't that money be better spent on community programs, or more officers? Maybe if the Police of HRM drove cost effective vehicles and weren't worried about occupying communities in a manner similar to the Gaza Strip, real crime could be more effectively dealt with.I'd say the message is pretty clear, HRM is going to use the police presence to enforce its community ideal on others. And forgive me if I'm wrong, but in the case of Uniacke Square and Highfield Park- those others are Black.

Joel Arseneauemail [email protected]

By joel arseneau