More meat for everyone | The Coast Halifax

More meat for everyone

On occasion people will make strong moves based on sound reasons and reduce stress on the healthcare system, reduce their impact on the environment and take themselves out of the animal cruelty eqaution by going vegan. And sometimes a school administrator will hold a crates of meat xmas fundraiser, completely undermining and offsetting the efforts of the good intelligent responsible ones . I guess it seemed like a good idea at the time? Maybe you wolk up one day and said 'you know what is missing in the typical western diet? I feel like people arent eating enough meat. Let's have a crates of meat fundraiser, and we won't even use the small farm, potentially not as abused, potentially not as detrimental meats. We'll source the shitty mass produced meat that ensures the highest level of abuse and the most toxic antibiotics and steroids and who knows what else.' You've clearly got your head up your own ass. I would suggest one of two remedies. 1. Pull your head out, realize the reality of what you are supporting and straighten your shit out. 2. Stick your head in there a little further and make sure that your nose and mouth are fully covered and wait a few minutes and see what happens. We don't need ignorant fools like you moving forward. —Hippie rage