Thanks for reminding me about patience! | The Coast Halifax

Thanks for reminding me about patience!

To the younger guy driving the silver car ahead of us in line to get our morning drive thru coffee fix in Cole Harbour Monday morning - thank you. We were both in a cranky mood driving in from our house up the shore, we had been behind someone driving 25km UNDER the speed limit the whole way - we hadn't had coffee and we were not fit yet for the world. We honked at the older gentleman in front of us to move up when he was signalling for you to go - even though he was there first - and I had it.. I lost it. I honked at him twice to just move forward and keep the line up moving - hence why the drive-thru has 2 lines for cars now. You looked back at us and were obviously not happy with our judgment call - I felt horrible that you were pissed at us for honking at him... and I started to recognize that I was being a total ass. I wanted to get out and apologize to you but as it were I was driving and we were moving along to the window. We went to pay and you had bought our coffees for us with the message "have a nice day". I did end up having a nice day - and I paid for the people behind me with the same message. Thank you for shaking me out of my selfish and irritable moment and bringing me back to reality - because really - what's the rush? I adore you for this. I hope YOU had a good day too!!! —Ms. Cranky Pants and her Mr. Cranky passenger