30 Day Song Challenge: Patti Smith, "Smells Like Teen Spirit" | The Coast Halifax

30 Day Song Challenge: Patti Smith, "Smells Like Teen Spirit"

here we are now

On a whim, I'd like to "spice things up" over here in Scene and Heard world by attempting this 30 Day Song Challenge. On Day 1, you're supposed to post your favorite song. Here goes! I am ready to lay myself prostrate before your judging eyes!


So I have approximately 87 "favorite songs" and I don't know where this one falls on that list, but it's certainly one that I turn to with alarming frequency, and I don't ever grow tired of it. Is that enough for the "favorite" realm? I think perhaps yes.

This is one of the few cover songs that I prefer over the original (I KNOW, fickle blasphemer!) It's sort of dark and downer-ish, but there's a sensual vitality to Patti's voice that is pretty difficult to ignore. When she sings this song, I think she's singing about being old and seeing everything, and it makes her tired and mournful, but also she becomes indomitable because of it. She sings of old dreams, old desires and empty bottles, and friends grown distant, but still the force of them screams to her over great hills and valleys. With great precision, she lets the feelings of wisdom and loneliness and bitterness (three sentiments so frequently and inevitably bound together) well up into a tremendous roar of need. I think this is a sound we can all recognize and I hope you like it.

If you want to join me on this challenge, please post your own songs in the comments. I will try to do this every day.