HPX SXSW Taco Party is Official | The Coast Halifax

HPX SXSW Taco Party is Official


Here's the confirmed lineup for the Halifax Pop Explosion stage at SXSW. If you are lucky enough to be there, go here.

Sat March 19th, 7pm (music starts shortly afterwards)
Paradise Cafe (CANADA HOUSE)
401 East 6th Street

7:00 Said the Whale
8:00 Cousins
9:00 Carmen Townsend
10:00 In-Flight Safety
11:00 Duzheknew
12:00 Rich Aucoin
1:00 Golden Dogs


It ain't a SXSW post without a dancing taco GIF, folks.

If you are a sad fucking sucker like me who will be spending SXSW at home in Halifax shoveling and crying into your baked beans, you can still see Duzheknew, Cousins, the magnificent Dog Day and the bright and lovely sounds of Secret Colours perform at a fundraiser/send-off party on Wednesday February 23 at the Seahorse. 10pm, suggested $10 donation at the door.