You Park Like An Asshole | The Coast Halifax

You Park Like An Asshole

Why do we have laws for illegal parking? It's obviously nothing more than a cash grab rather than for safety reasons:

This weekend some asshat parks in front of my place, fine. However, no thought of checking to see if he's blocking my driveway; the entire rear wheel is in my driveway (not to mention the trunk). I don't recognize the car and the neighbors are away, so we'll phone the police to get him towed. On the phone the dispatcher tells me that they pretty much can only write a ticket but will write in that I am requesting a tow. WTF? This ignorant fuck is blocking my driveway, I can't get out (single driveway) to get to my plans for the afternoon without hopping the curb or scratching my car.

An hour later, still no one shows up. So what do I pay taxes for if I can't use the services I'm supposed to be supporting? Finally I hear the jackasses get to their car and go out to let him know how classy it was for him to block me in and teaching his kids to not respect other people's property. Then I asked him why he didn't park in any other of the curbs that are 2 times as long? Or why he couldn't be bothered to move up another 4 feet since there was 5 in front of the vehicle? No reason, he just brushes it off like it's my fault that he can't park... —Shady fellow with a rock next time!