Polaris Prize Shortlist Announced | The Coast Halifax

Polaris Prize Shortlist Announced

no amelia or meaghan, but lots of goodies representing

tawny Besnard Lakes
  • tawny Besnard Lakes

Canadian music nerds hovered by their computers/mobile devices today with slightly baited breath, waiting for the announcement of the Polaris Prize shortlist in Toronto. Sadly Amelia Curran's Hunter, Hunter and Meaghan Smith's The Cricket's Orchestra didn't make the cut. Still, THE SADIES. Also, there are TWO Francophone bands nominated this year (Radio Radio, whose Myspace claims they sound like "Les good times oldies" and Karkwa) and apparently this has never happened before! Stoked. Congrats to all, it's an honor to be nominated, etc. High fives. Bum slaps.

* Broken Social Scene, Forgiveness Rock Record (Toronto).
* Caribou, Swim (Dundas, Ont.).
* The Besnard Lakes, The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night (Montreal).
* Karkwa, Les Chemins de Verre (Montreal).
* Dan Mangan, Nice, Nice, Very Nice (Vancouver).
* Owen Pallett, Heartland (Toronto).
* Radio Radio, Belmundo Regal (Montreal).
* The Sadies, Darker Circles (Toronto).
* Shad, TSOL (London).
* Tegan and Sara, Sainthood (Vancouver).