Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 5:01 PM

Once again this year’s Halifax PRIDE parade boasted its “family-friendly” atmosphere and now I’m just pissed off.

I was horrified by what my daughter viewed last year at this parade and didn’t think twice about NOT bringing her this year. When's the last time YOU told the bedtime story of "Sado-Johnny"; a man whose only super power is dry-humping air on all fours and sporting a spiked metal crotch with a ball strapped tightly into his mouth, to your 5 year old?? If you say last week... child services are on their way.

Before you fire off a bunch of hate-mail claiming I'm a prejudice asshole cuz I don't support your right to fuck cocks or cucumbers, I’m down for many things hot so don't go there; I’m just really tired of what seems to be the increased abuse of the word PRIDE in an effort to show everyone how horny they are. When did public sexual acts become a definition of PRIDE?? How does wearing a dog collar and assless chaps show today’s children we should be proud of being LGBT?? Are you really saying a scene like that belongs in a Disney movie? You are if you allow this parade to float with a G rating!

If you wanna get dirty, get fucking dirty, rate it properly, call that duck what it really is: a SEX parade, & sign me up! If you wanna make it a true PRIDE parade then grow the fuck up and stop giving yourselves a bad name. —Just Tellin' it Like it Is

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 4:54 PM

I wish people would just shut the fuck up about other people's appearance. I'm so tired of this worn out crusade against thin or fit individuals, and the bullshit hate that a lot of people seem to have for over-weight or out of shape individuals, or people deemed "ugly" or "beautiful". We are all human beings, we all breathe, eat, shit, fuck, and die. Just because some people choose to, or must, live their lives in a different type of body than you have, doesn't mean they are any better or worse than you are. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Stop concerning yourself with other people's appearance. In fact, stop concerning yourself with other people in general. Everyone has their own life to lead, and they don't need to live it to your standards.

"There is no wrong way to have a body." - Hanne Blank

—Body Image Crusader

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 1:44 PM

Do all you skinny, long haired, flirty girls think you're really that hot? Just because you know how to put makeup on, spend a fortune on hair and barf after each meal, doesn't change your personality. You suck. I'm so tired of guys swooning over bimbos when they could be noticing the awesome individuals that care more about, maybe, real life? Honestly, your fake attitude and snobby looks make most people cringe. Try to focus more on the rest of the world than yourselves. Thanks! —You Need a Punch in the Face

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 1:21 PM

After working alongside you and sharing generous flirtation, accepting a movie invite from me (never went, but anyway), and also playing an online game together, I was under the impression that you were almost a friend. Perhaps we were misleading each other because ultimately I knew you weren't that serious but you didn't seem to realize I wasn't that serious either. The other night I was tired and we were having a bad conversation. Five minutes of your day might have been annoying at worst because I was accidentally a jerk. Boo fucking hoo. Don't worry, I was starting to realize I wasn't that big on you either. Then I get a subtle hint from somebody else that you didn't want me around so I delete you from a certain friends list and begin to ignore you; to give you space, and because I was a little hurt that you don't know when to stop flirting and handle your shit.

The next day you clam up like you were mind raped or something, and I'm like, whatever, I'll just get on with my job. The next shift I'm let go, and I'm pretty sure your flaky attitude had something to do with it. I'd hate to see what kind of witch hunt you'd inspire if you were really hurt instead of just faking it. I didn't care if we weren't friends anymore but I'm a little offended I lost my job over you. Perhaps you should get a grip before you lead some other hapless dude down this road of financial crisis. The words 'two faced', 'back stabbing', and 'twit' come to mind. I did write a poem about you because I write poetry, duh. I wasn't in love with you. I think it's much more poetic if you're reading this instead and realizing your overreaction and immature farse is called 'passive-aggressive' and is apparently very damaging when it costs someone his job when he doesn't deserve it. I hope you get caught texting at work like you always do, knowing it's against the rules. I stuck up for you on one occasion but now I just regret being naive and sincere, and giving others the benefit of the doubt when they have a bad day. I guess you're a snob. But don't flatter yourself, I'm only mildly annoyed. —Crucified

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 12:08 PM

I like to clean offices, it's calm, nightly quiet, and I get satisfaction from making things shiny and clean. That does not make me a non-person. Last night, I was cleaning the men's bathroom, had the door propped open and on my hands and knees, was scraping goo off the floor. And you, big man in a suit, you just stepped over me as if I were a lump of crap with hair and a cloth. When I asked if you wanted the door closed, you didn't even offer a civil response—in fact, there was no response. I felt so invisible, I wondered if you'd even notice me zippering up your pants with your delicate parts nipped good and tight. Well, big man, you might want to know that I have a masters degree, that my paintings sell overseas, that I like four-leaf clovers and pressed coffee, and can quote Shakespeare if you ask.

Don't assume that a cleaner is a low class imbecile with no other means to make a living. I just happen to like making things pretty again. It's something I'm proud of, despite the people like you who assume I don't know my ass from a hole in the ground. So stepping over me... wow, that's cold. I bet you're the same freak who throws gum in the urinal and pisses on the wall, and leaves me such lovely 'presents' in the toilet. I mean, c'mon man, do I need to see what you had for lunch? Cleaners need lovin', too, ya know? What we don't need are your asinine assumptions curtained by ignorance and myopic assumptions. So you, Mister Man, you are a stuffed suit. I don't like you one bit. I'm pretty resilient to your types, but I can't remember anyone ever being as rude and crude as were your actions that yes, hurt me. Shame on you! Shame shame on you! —Cleaner with Brains

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:52 AM

To the two fuckers who broke into my work's LOCKED staff room and stole my wallet and my coworker's belongings: fuck you. Fuck you so fucking hard. I hope you were pissed that you had to go through all of that goddamn work breaking our lock system and distracting me and my coworker to get two cash-less wallets and now-cancelled credit cards. I had sentimental belongings in that wallet, you know. Belongings that I'll probably never get back because you probably tossed my wallet into the trash once you realized that nothing to your value was in it. And now I have to go through stupid procedures and spend MY money recovering things that YOU stole like my ID, driver's license, and bus pass. You two weren't even a couple of silly hooligans You were two full grown men, stealing from two younger girls. What the fuck. You're fucking wuss-ass losers, the both of you. Both of you, grow some fucking balls and get jobs so you don't have to steal from helpless store clerks to buy your drugs and booze and what-have-you. —Dig Ivan, Dig

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:31 AM

When I ask to see your ID don't hand me your wallet with the card in under one of those plastic pouches. Furthermore, don't rudely smirk and half giggle then say, "Well I can't get it out," when I let you know there are holographic features on the card I have to check. It's not funny, why would you giggle dingbat? —Unimpressed

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 11:17 AM

Hey, Mr. 'I'm so cool 'cause I sit all day at the till of a not very busy clothes store' Store-Keeper, our maintenance meister went over on behalf of a lot of us and asked you nicely to turn down your low grade electronica which you leave blaring into the street ALL NIGHT and ALL DAY... If you're going to do that could you at least play something half decent? We work, you know... do stuff... not just sit there admiring our size zero only stock... all day and thumpa-whumpa-bumpa-wheugh-dumdumdumdumdumdumdumdum-crinkle-tinkle-spinkle is not so great when you're trying to process grant applications from small business owners like yourself, or community development groups that organize music festivals that you go to, etc.

Our lovely maintenance meister was doing us a favour by asking you to turn it down a bit, but you got all super-fly on him and told him to take it to the city. See ya there, buddy! —Sick of Arrogant Business People

Posted on Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:19 AM

What is with people who drive cars cutting off motorcyclists? I was cut off 2 times today and I am not a daredevil motorcyclist that gives other motorcyclists a bad name. I drive defensively, otherwise I would have been in 2 accidents today. So, to the lady driving the amber minivan who cut 3 feet in front of me coming off the Bedford entrance to Magazine Hill and the silver SUV that was parked in the care home who pulled out WITHOUT LOOKING into my path: SCREW YOU. Learn how to freaking drive and respect ALL drivers on the road. —Angry Hand Talking Cyclist

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Posted on Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 12:02 PM

This is for all the people who come from bad gene pools - please don't go swimming. For the love of all things ugly you will only make uglier offspring than what your own parents created. Had they realized before they went swimming the outcome of that union I am sure they would have rethought the whole dive into the gene pool disaster and went with oral. Let that shit swim to the bottom of the digestive system and flush it. At least for the sake of all mankind find someone not so close to your own genetic make up. Stop telling yourself 'well we have so much in common' that's because you're related. Try different postal codes or better yet different province. I know it's hard to hook up with cute when you're are so damn ugly but go to a bar where the lights are dim and people (prospects) are drunk. Hook your ugly claws into someone there. I have no idea what your chances are in having offspring that are decent looking regardless of who you breed with but I bet your chances are better if you are not a close cousin. People won't tell you to your face if your kids are ugly anyway cause most people aren't that mean to kids and let's face it some of the really really ugly kids out there, well they are so ugly which is what makes them cute. This of course stops being the case when they grow up and then ugly just becomes ugly again. Vicious cycle really. Remember - if you chose to go swimming in your own pool - wear a lifejacket. If you swim in someone else's pool - wear a lifejacket. If you forget the lifejacket - let's hope someone drowns. —Pretty Lifeguard
