Love the Way We Bitch | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Love the Way We Bitch

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Angry? Mad as hell and you can't take it anymore? Get something off your chest and it could be published online and/or in print. Bitches are anonymous and may be edited for length, grammar, spelling and our lenient standards of propriety.

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Friday, January 29, 2010

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 1:47 PM

Ok lady, it's totally disgusting that you go into the bathroom stall,use it, then come out fix your self and then leave- WITHOUT WASHING YOUR HANDS! I've seen you do this plenty of times. Oh and to the other lady that fakes washing her hands (turns the water on for a milisecond then pull out some paper towel) and chain smokes- GROSS! I don't give a shit how you live at home, but when your in an office environment with everyone touching everything-be a little courteous!

And to the people that leave the water cooler bone dry, so that the next person has to pick up that heavy ass jug- fuck you!

And who stole my lunch!?

---at home office sounds great!

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:34 PM

Thanks for causing a fire that burned down my fucking apartment. My life will never be the same. I managed to get out with my life, for which I am thankful, but you fucked up the rest of my life, majorly, and then didn't have the balls to show your face after the fire. Asshole. Karma is a bitch and I hope it finds you.

---Supremely pissed off former neighbor of yours

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 12:32 PM

It was hard enough to find myself running out of a burning apartment building New Year's Eve because of a fire that started in the apartment of my idiot neighbor, and consequently burned all of our apartments. But then when I went back to sift through the rubble, many things had been looted through, like DVD's and CDs. I hope they ruin ALL your equipment, and don't forget, Karma can be a real bitch. Fuckers.

---Supremely pissed off former tenant and fire victim

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:14 AM

I just wanted to say a big FUCK YOU! to all the oblivious, apathetic, lazy, inconsiderate people out there. News flash: OTHER PEOPLE EXIST! Could pry you face off your Mac book and your cell phone from your ear and wake the fuck up! There is a real living world around you, and you are NOT the center of it.

---What do you care?

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 11:10 AM

We need to start a letter writting campaign, and let these ministers know, we don't want them exploiting sable island for anything. The very fact that no one is allowed there is why its still preserved. The argument of turning it into a park to protect it is absolutely absurd, its already protected by the very fact that no one can go there without the explicit permission of the canada coast guard. I can understand making it a wildlife preserve to accord it protection from people who might want to exploit the island for other things, but making it a wildlife preserve would have to mean no one is allowed there except scientists/meterologists etc... which is exactly who is allowed there now. The government is clearly not doing this for the benefit of anyone.

Something tells me someone has their fingers in the pie for the money they're going to be making of off the exploitation of this precious place if they do allow tourism. I can't say anything that someone else hasn't already said, but this makes me very very angry!

---Angry Pony Lover

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:55 AM

Why is this a huge story, claiming it is the downfall of Toyota as a car manufacturer? The problem is only that the floor mat catches the gas pedal and holds the pedals down.

Here is your solution:

Step #1: Remove the goddamned mat.

Step #2: Cut a piece of the mat off.

Step #3: Put the mat back in.

Step #4: ???

Step #5: Profit!!

Good lord.

---Common Sense Is Lacking

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:52 AM

My dear mother is so weary of everything I say or do. I'm 26, I've got a career, put myself through school, and I have never relied on them for money. I'm completely independent! But boy oh boy, if the topic of money or credit come into the picture she just has to have her say. It's frustrating that she just can't say "good for you!" or bite her tongue and maybe not say anything at all if she doesn't like it. After all I am an adult. I mean, if she had experience during her life with being successful at handling money then maybe she could talk- but she doesn't!

She's family and sometimes I get excited to share, then I regret it... it shouldn't be that way, and sadly the older she gets the worse she gets. I'm sorry but I just want to bitch slap her sometimes...

---I'm responsible, so fuck off with the negativity!

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:44 AM

the fact that there are no women in the men's public washroom doesn't entitle those with lousy aim to splatter the seats. not all business is done standing up. go pick up a toilet seat at a yard sale and attach it to a wall in your apartment. practice with that and splatter all you like.

---hovering hater

Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:38 AM

I am getting really pissed off at all the hockey players, well wanna-bes mostly, who dominate every smooth patch of ice on our lovely frozen lakes. I can't skate for fear of getting body-checked by some boob with a hockey stick who can't see where he is going. Or some guy by himself who wants to show off his stick-handling prowess. Where are parents with little kids supposed to enjoy themselves. Go home, all of you, it's my lake too!


Posted on Fri, Jan 29, 2010 at 10:34 AM

I am having a particularly rough day at work. Everyone come to me with their bitches and gripes and not being willing to do anything about it! Except bitch and complain.

Sure the management right now sucks.

Sure they pick and choose who to promote and throw out the idea of rewarding someone with seniority and hard work ethic a promotion to attract, new young recruits with nothing but the almighty dollar helping them make decisions.

Sure we have removed the word and concept of "Human" out of human resources.

And what are you going to do about it? You come to me and complain day in day out about the injustice of it, yet when it comes time to back me up when I talk about you, you all sit there in silence.

Walk the talk or shut the fuck up.

---why do i volunteer for these positions???