Vancouver Film School - Digital Design Program | Advertiser Content | Career Minded | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Vancouver Film School - Digital Design Program

Sarah Gillis I’m a user experience and interactive designer

Why Vancouver Film School?

After graduating university with a degree in architecture, I was looking to expand upon my design background, but in a digital environment. I was inspired by the quality of work that I saw coming out of the Digital Design Program at VFS, and by what people were accomplishing in its one-year time frame.

What was the most challenging part of the program?

All of it! It's an intense program and you are pushed to learn a huge amount of information in a short time span. You learn a lot about teamwork and how to push yourself creatively.

How is interactive design a perfect career fit for you?

I love that it is a balancing act between creative problem solving and adapting those solutions to reality. It's all well and good to have great ideas, but being able to make them real is where the excitement is.

What was your first day on the job like?

Pretty funny actually. I had to work from home that day, so I was meeting everyone through the company's chat system. I had heard all of their names in a meeting before, but all I saw on the screen were their nicknames and I had no idea who was saying what. It took me at least another two days to figure out who was who.

Why did you choose the

Anaesthesia Tech program at MBC?

I have seen many people my age reluctantly leave Nova Scotia to pursue more lucrative career opportunities out west, but it was not a sacrifice I was willing to make, so I had to make a career move. With our population aging, health care is a profession that is going to continue to grow. MBC was perfect; I learned everything I needed to know in nine months. Right here at home!

What was challenging about it?

This program is traditionally offered to LPNs and is designed for those with previous medical experience, which I did not have.

How have previous skills helped?

As a journalist I learned how to communicate effectively with people from various backgrounds. As an Anaesthesia Tech, I often communicate with patients, taking complex medical information and verbalizing it in a way patients can easily digest. Communication is key in both professions.