Really*902 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Sep 14, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Really*902 on 10/04/2012 at 6:31 PM
    Wow what can I say, I keep learning more about Tom Martin that make's me respect him more and pushes me much harder to inform our municipality residents. Hopefully they too feel the same way and make the right decision and Vote Tom Martin for Mayor... He knows the in's and out's of HRM every street and back road, he has seen it at its best and worst. He has the experience to run City Halls administration and the ability to have council come together to get jobs done...From Oct 6th to Oct 20th I hope that majority of HRM see's all the candidate as they are and passes their judgments based on the candidates relevant experiences in our great municipality and by doing so Vote Tom Martin for Mayor....
  • Posted by:
    Really*902 on 09/16/2012 at 8:07 PM
    I can say with certainty that Martin is a man of ethics and morals, his only motive for Mayor is to utilize his skills, knowledge and understanding based on his work experience to better HRM. It would be silly for anyone to think that there wont be Martin bashing in this campaign as the Savage team has been so strong with that the rhetoric and mud slinging. Martin has been the first to enter the race for Mayor Yes he has gone through some campaign magagers as a year is a long time on volunteer base, there was trial and error, error is gone. He is grassroot and doent have 200 000$ to spend like the Savage team has done so far. He also doesnt encourage his members to go out and hit oposition where it hurts as he's not in to fighting dirty. Nor does he encourage team members to use scare tatics towards opposing campaign team members, I think it was said best, if you have a question direct it to Tom he will be honest and direct or save it for a debate... And on another note Tom doesnt have any secret political advisors, we all know of them, he is preparing to be a Mayor and thats what the advisors are doing.... Thanks

  • Posted by:
    Really*902 on 09/14/2012 at 11:00 PM
    As a citizen who watched this "debate" I see Tom has drawn attention and with the most experience serving the public as a retired police officer and Homicide detective and all other experience, this is a man who seen it all and knows what needs to happen, to make life easier for those of us in the HRM. I see these comments and it has me feeling like the Savage campaign is getting worried, worried that Tom is the contender and will give him a run for his money, Toms campaign is going to keep running like it has since its shift in managment, its been stronger and will only get stronger.