R. Tyler Messick | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Oct 6, 2017


  • Posted by:
    R. Tyler Messick on 08/17/2018 at 11:45 AM
    This starhawk event is verrrrrry special. If you have ever wondered what the people in California are doing as far as deeep connection to the land and environmental activism in general - Starhawk is a author and thinker who is helping define that role for humanity going forward. Especially powerful while we face constant corporate power consolidation at the expense of our land, water and soil. Come "be" with us in wonderful Point Pleasant. Or come for the Bee's! Xox. This is a way to feel power in the unity of a common goal with other humans. Let's amplify!
  • Posted by:
    R. Tyler Messick on 10/06/2017 at 2:21 PM
    Wow I'm so happy to be reading about the most important issue in the province.
    Everything else pales when we face a future without habitats for species besides human. There are actually majestic beasts in this province. Not just rats and squirrels/pigeons of the city. Let's protect them. I also like the idea floated in the article about having our rural, small scale woodlot owners having more ability to sell their wood at fair prices. Huge, foreign pulp companies sold acres for fractions of the actual value - subsidized by OUR/MY tax dollars! Makes me want to throw up. Let's change course before diverse forests are a story I tell my grandchildren about. I applaud the Coast for shinning a light on this issue. Rural Nova Scotia is actually the bedrock of what makes this region special in my opinion. And the new library. Remember the fisheries! We can turn this around!