OU812 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Feb 16, 2011


  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 03/06/2014 at 10:00 PM
    Blame it on the smokers! Frankly I'm quite surprised that nobody already has.
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 10/17/2013 at 6:55 PM
    Koda, you're an asshole.
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 01/11/2013 at 12:46 AM
    Is this the same Ms Leslie; the Member of Parliament who doesn't know who the NS Senators are? The same Ms Leslie who has done nothing to protect the rights of ordinary Nova Scotians? The same Ms Leslie who belongs to a socialist political party that racks up massive debt on behalf of her taxpayers? Sorry Ms Leslie, your opinion doesn't hold any weight because your nothing but a typical politician. You speak from both sides of your very big mouth.
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 10/16/2012 at 12:45 AM
    Ya know. it's actually quite amusing to read the responses to this bitch. All the mentally retarted donkeys will, of course, make an attempt to be critical of a non-voter. However, these donkeys fail to realize that having the democratic right not to vote is what ultimately makes this country a democracy. Especially since the pathetic NDP has passed bill 59. If people don't wish to vote, that's their democratic RIGHT, so leave them alone. FFS!
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 11/29/2011 at 1:57 AM
    Re: “Kiss my...
    Maybe your anti- NDP and they all know yer from Ontario. You are aware that being anti- NDP is a crime in NS don't you? The NDP bankrupt Ontario and NS is next. There's not a valid ID (unless it's a union ID) that's valid in NS today. That's why we don't have pics on our unionized haelth cards!
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 11/18/2011 at 3:33 PM
    Hopefully all the NDP supporters, including PSAC, CAW and whatever KYLE BUOTT represents will soon realize that the NS NDP are nothing but a bunch of left-wing nutbars. How voters privacy rights can be taken away with a swipe of a majority is beyond me. This UNION FREINDLY gov't makes Harper look like a saint. Fuck you PAT MARTIN: if you really knew what the NS NDP was up to, you would keep your loudmouth anti-democratic trap shut! Fuck the NDP and fuck the unions!
  • Posted by:
    OU812 on 10/27/2011 at 11:53 PM
    Re: “Why they protest
    Why does Tim leave out the policy decision made by the NS NDP to remove voters privacy rights? Remember Bill 59. Why are poeple not protesting against this blatant violation of privacy? The unions and political parties support it, of course. Apparently it's fine for political parties to legally have a look a my voting history, without my consent. This is bullshit! Yes greed is a problem and changes must be made to "the system". If these so called protesters would stand up against the NDP's communist policies and actually exercise their democratic right to vote, change might happen.