Overly descriptive sign at the Clayton Park McDonald's. | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Overly descriptive sign at the Clayton Park McDonald's.

Overly descriptive sign at the Clayton Park McDonald's.

Remarks: Emily, a reader, took this photo with her cellphone and helpfully sent it to [email protected], a gesture we much appreciate and the kind of behaviour we want to encourage among Haligonians. As for the burger, it comes in at 590 calories, 33 grams of fat (740 calories, 45 grams of fat if you get it with bacon and cheddar), which by itself will keep a hospital full of cardiologists employed until diners start dying off. Yep, that's a buttload of no good for ya.

Who's Responsible?: Underpaid employee? New corporate honesty policy?

Status, August 2008: Resolved Looks like “anus burgers” weren’t luring the customers in… who is surprised? No really. Who? So now McDonald’s has decided to follow Harvey’s lead instead, hoping the oh-so-popular Angus burger will cause the customers to come a-runnin’ again. Updated by Amanda Wenek

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