OhBehave | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Dec 20, 2013


  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 03/13/2014 at 5:24 PM
    Sorry, in my last post, I meant I moved OUT of that building, in January of 2014.
  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 03/13/2014 at 5:17 PM
    I used to live in that building, I moved into Jan of 14'. They are nothing but problems over there. I've accused them of theft (People came in to change the toilets, and stole medication), coming into my apartment without a 24 hour notice, and they are all extremely belligerent, and insulting. You're treated like a criminal until you start handing over your money, then you're treated like a prince, or queen INSTANTLY. It's disgusting behaviour, and I suggest to everyone, never live there, and if you do, get out ASAP. I had to cut my losses a couple times with them, and just pay more, instead of fighting with them, because you CAN'T win unless you take them to court.
  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 02/06/2014 at 2:55 PM
    I think getting a neck, or face tattoo, to begin with, shows that you're capable of making some really bad decisions, and not realize it. You also have the personality characteristic of not thinking about the future, or preparing for it. Also, you didn't just compromise, and get it done somewhere else so it can be hidden, which is also a bad characteristic. It's just not professional, and as you age, most people with visible tattoos quickly begin to realize what a terrible mistake it was.

    If you're in the medical industry, that's a literal symbol that you wear that says "I don't make the best decisions", and that scares me, because people DO die from mistakes made by doctors and nurses. It's actually more common than people think. I would rather be treated by the person WITHOUT the literal visible symbol.

    I have a few pieces myself, but I would NEVER get one done where I can't hide it.
  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 01/01/2014 at 12:40 PM
    So, you're living it up in your condo, on the "bad" side of town, pretending to be a rebel against your parents, and feeling like a badass, and being a hipster.

    I've never seen a more clear example of a white guy coming into town, and saying 'OMG it's so fashionable here in the poor side of town', with the homeless and crack heads that are always up and down the streets, and the murders, and stabbings. You ignorant shithead.

    You write about the shops that are currently here, then you claim to know all about the community, and what it's about? How about you go to the original people who lived there, and still do, in the square, and ask them what they think about white people like who, who know nothing about the history of the community, speaking on their behalf, and saying VERY ignorant things like "Today's population of predominately single, middle class office workers in no way represents what this community is or ever was." I'm an anthropologist, I specialize in these topics. Trust me, you should leave representing the community to the people who LIVE there, not the people who JUST got a condo in the area.
  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 12/20/2013 at 9:47 PM
    This sounds like a lot of the same statements I'm seeing from people right now.
    It's a CBC report on racism in Halifax from 1962.

  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 12/20/2013 at 9:09 PM
    Runs, I have always known racism is everywhere. I'm not stupid, but you thinking that me mentioning it, in this instance, is proof of I don't know what I'm talking about, sure as hell makes you VERY stupid.

    My partner is from a much less tolerant, and less wealthy country, and even she is shocked by how OPENLY, and NONCHALANTLY people say disrespectful remarks about another persons background, or culture in Halifax. But, I've been noticing this since I was a kid in elementary school, looooong before I ever met her.

    People aren't running around the streets, being cartoon characters and obvious about how they have racist tendencies, let's be real here. They give you shitty looks, like you have 10 heads. They give you terrible service. They make fun of different names. They make fun of accents, or say that person was "weird". Or worst of all, they act like your stupid, because you don't have flawless english. Most of all, they defend other racist people, out of fucking nowhere. Kind of like people jumping all over me, in this sick excuse of a conversation. It's ironic how a message that racism is an issue, always makes the racist people self-identify.
  • Posted by:
    OhBehave on 12/20/2013 at 7:49 PM
    Don't get me wrong here. I'm not some sort of person who goes around calling people racist, all willy-nilly. That would be VERY messed up.

    But, when I hear random people pretending to "whoop" like Natives, and call them dirty, IN A UNIVERSITY, I'm gonna call it.

    When I get invited out with a group I don't know very well, and they say something like "I bet that Chinese girl smells like noodles" (It fucking happened, not cool). I'm gonna fucking call it.

    When I hear a professor said in a private conversation, to a friend, that he just realized racism still fucking existed, and he was flabbergasted, I'm going to fucking call it.

    I have a friend who was called the N-word, to her face, by her boss, and was told by everyone she talked to, her only option was to quit, because there was no real evidence he said this, since no one else was around. It was at a popular office supply company.

    I have a million more scenarios like this, that have happened. These are only a few, I'm not gonna write a fucking book, here.