Nealo | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Feb 2, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Nealo on 02/02/2009 at 3:57 PM
    To Steve Del Toro, who wrote:
    "Africville would have been bulldozed in a second today, don't think otherwise. People squatting on city land and not paying taxes...right because that would have went over so well in the halifax of today."
    What makes you think they weren't paying property taxes? They were not only paying property taxes, but being denied services like running water, garbage collection, and sewers that all other areas of Halifax were benefitting from. So, if you're going to make stupid comments, it's best to know what you're talking about, or else keep them to yourself. Ignorance is bad enough in the world without more people spreading it.