Marilyn Pincock | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Aug 22, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Marilyn Pincock on 06/27/2023 at 11:46 AM
    As a cyclist in HRM, it's crazy to have to drive my car out of the city in order to find quieter, safer, less hostile roads to cycle. I can get downtown using back streets but wouldn't be caught dead (literally!) on the many four-lane 'streets' like Robie and Portland Streets. Matt Strickland is right - drivers push us over to the side of the road and overtake us, instead of treating us like another vehicle and passing after the oncoming vehicles have gone by.

    One more thing: those four-lane 'streets' are more like highways and pedestrians who use the overhead beg lights to get traffic to stop must SCURRY to get across before being mowed down. My husband is blind. There should be a median in the four-way streets so he could at least stop safely if he knows he can't make the light change countdown. As it is now, he's standing on the yellow line separating traffic in four lanes.

    Halifax, surely we can do better! The car is not king.