Letters to the Editor | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

As I was sitting in my living room last week reading the newest edition of The Coast, I came across Lisa Diana's letter to the Editor. As I finished the first paragraph I exclaimed out loud "Oh! A rodeo! I've never been to one before, I'd love to go and see what these are all about." As I continued and read the body of her letter I thought, "good point, brutal and inhumane treatment of animals, etc." and I silently applauded The Coast for allowing a person with an opinion on animal rights the space to vent their frustration and anger to the rest of the city. However, when I read down to the the final paragraph I threw the paper down in disgust, feeling blind-sided by the editorial staff for printing such a piece of trash. Most newspapers officially say that letters to the Editor do not represent the opinion of the staff or the newspaper as a whole, but I have been seeing in The Coast more and more frequently unwarranted attacks on 'rednecks' and other people who do not hold the same or similar sorts of 'liberal' opinions such as those held by Ms. Diana. Who is Ms. Diana mad at, anyway? Animal-hating folks with cowboy hats? Or her friends and relatives who are sick of listening to her directionless preaching? Thank you, Ms. Diana, for informing me and the sixty-thousand and some odd other readers of The Coast of the Bull Riding event at Exhibition Park next weekend. If you care to speak to me, I'll be the redneck with the denim shirt standing by my Chevy 4x4. You had better come ready to debate because I have no time for bleeding hearts who take up a cause in order to vent their emotions.

—Name whitheld by request
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