kit'cherbitchin | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 26, 2009


  • Posted by:
    kit'cherbitchin on 03/26/2009 at 8:58 PM
    OP, you are not alone in having being dumped after a cancer diagnosis. It happens far too frequently. Many people can't handle hanging around/being with someone who has a cancer diagnosis because it makes them "feel bad," because you know your cancer diagnosis is all about them - really this is how they think. It's unbelievable, yet true. They are narcissistic, self-centered and lack the capacity for empathy - they are incapable of seeing beyond their own wants, desires and needs.

    You'll need support - try to find a support network. Talk to your oncologist/a social worker/clergy person or someone who has lived with a cancer diagnosis - they can help hook you up.

    Just know that though things suck majorly right now, and you feel alone there are people out there who can be wonderful sources of support and strength.

    Oh, and Kay – your right this is a bitch site. But anyone with a brain can determine when it s appropriate respond like a bitch and when it is more appropriate to respond like a human. Grab some balls and try and act like a human.