Kit | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 21, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Kit on 03/22/2010 at 2:36 PM
    Re: “Bus stop girl
    OB here, I am happily married and use bus tickets, Thanks for the responses guys :P
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 01/26/2010 at 1:47 PM
    Re: “Anxiety, Attack!
    Mr. Luthor you speak the truth.

    OP touched a nerve and my sympathy juices started flowing. I jump too easily at times.

    And Martym I mean no offense, the ignorant fucks are the ones who really don't get it and think its some attention getting thing. You know whether or not you are one.
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 01/26/2010 at 1:17 PM
    Re: “Anxiety, Attack!
    Its not that easy qpmzwonxeibcruv, there are varying degrees of this condition and myself (possibly OP) suffers from something ore extreme then what you mentioned, a few anxiety attacks here and there VS not being able to go to parties or a movie because of them, cant really laugh that off. "I had to leave work in the middle of the day because I felt like I was dying" is not looked back upon as a chuckle.

    There is NO humor living with this condition, it effects home, job, social life (doesn't leave much of a social life actually).

    Now I'm not saying all attacks are like this, anyone can get an anxiety attack, its the constant sufferers who cant function normally because of it that im talking about.

    Yes, I am a stronger person then I was years ago but the problem never goes away.
    Very few understand the hell anxiety disorder brings about. It becomes a hindrance, and at least as far as my situation goes I am struggling to support my family, balancing a full time job, a child and a mortgage, all the while dealing with weekly anxiety attacks, after having been on over 20 different meds in the past 12 years I have basic control over it, they Don't hit as often as they use to but when they do it really does feel like the end of the world. Its impossible to explain to one who has not experienced a full blown attack.

    OP reached out for help, and was giggled at and made fun of which is not uncommon, but I want OP to know YOU ARE NOT ALONE, and reading these responses (plus the ignorance like this Ive dealt with for years) shows me just how important it is for us to reach out to one another. I'm also an example on how these problems, no matter how debilitating, can be worked around and a real life can be lived, and feel I should help others who share what I go through.

    To be fair qpmzwonxeibcruv, You are lucky, I wish it was that easy for me. I really do.

    If anyone needs someone to talk to about this, like OP, let me know, it helps me to talk to, educate, help, coach or talk to others who share this condition.
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 01/26/2010 at 12:12 PM
    Re: “Anxiety, Attack!
    For those ignorant fucks who don't understand anxiety I will let your ignorant comments slide. OP you need an understanding hand, I am a sufferer of Anxiety, and have been for many years. there's no cure, barley treatment. Its not something you pick up like an infection, it stems from either birth or early childhood. However, for those who don't get it We with anxiety are not scared of everything, most of us suffer these attacks, which has been compared to how dying feels.
    Imagine this, you are in a forest, its beautiful, everything is calm and serene, until you spot it, a bear, glaring you down, approaching carefully.
    That first sense of utter and total fear, knowing you must distance yourself from the animal, knowing you need to get out of this situation NOW, Your body prepares you for it, pumping adrenaline, energy, distorting thoughts, All you know is you need to get away from the situation! that's all your body knows. Now imagine that happening for no reason, could be in the middle of breakfast, a movie, a party, you have no focus to get away from, no solution to your mind and body overtaking you, filling you with this unexplained fear of nothing and everything at once, like the whole world is folding in on you. You cant understand it unless you have been through it. I understand OP, and although I hate hearing others suffer this, its good to know at least one other person understands it.
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 01/25/2010 at 10:54 AM
    First off this should be in the appropriate section, this is area is for bitching dear, you are thanking, direct your love to the love section (this has happened way too much lately)

    Second, I'm glad someone was there to help, but not knowing Tims doesn't take Visa? you cant love caffeine and live in Halifax (nay, Canada) and not know that :P
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 01/21/2010 at 2:39 PM
    Re: “Bus stop smokers
    Smokers, don't smoke in the fucking bus shelters.

    Non-smokers, if there's no shelter and someone is smoking, DEAL WITH IT its public property.
    The only exception is if you are a smoker be aware of people with children and such. The only issue here is consideration, all of you smokers and non smokers STFU and just be considerate to others.

    FYI I don't smoke tobacco, but I'm not a hater either. Learn some tolerance people, we all share this city, lets learn to work together.
  • Posted by:
    Kit on 12/22/2009 at 7:35 AM
    This bitch tells me you belong at your Mac-Job. Your sorry fucking attitude is what pisses us customers off. I work with the public in a hotel, and I gotta tell you its YOUR job to make the customers happy and YOUR job to shut the fuck up and do you fucking work, you wanna complain? get a fucking education or a better job. I don't even have my high school diploma, yet I own a house, have a family, working a full time decent job. What's your excuse? Put up or shut up, WHETHER or not it's your chosen profession.