Jonathan Pierce | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Nov 5, 2016


  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 06/18/2017 at 11:09 PM
    Re: “
    Would be nice if we could watch this film. From what I can tell It's not being released in Nova Scotia. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 11/07/2016 at 7:08 PM
    We're fortunate to have conservationists who are raising awareness of this issue. Hopefully, enough people will take notice to make an impact.
  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 11/07/2016 at 12:06 AM
    And on another note fragnol, I don't know why anyone would feel guilty for being of a particular race. Last time I checked no one gets to choose. It's perfectly OK to be comfortable with your own race whatever that may be and to still respect other races. If you don't believe that, you should really take a deep look inside to figure out why.
  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 11/06/2016 at 11:34 PM
    I'am not really suggesting that I or anyone else should be getting their head put on the block. Just saying, the "too many people" argument that you used fragnol is based on the fact that people over consume and waste resources without really thinking about it. There is more food being produced and wasted than we need as a species, and the wrong kinds of food are being mass produced in ways that are unsustainable. To say that we shouldn't care about social justice and use some excuse that we're all going down the toilet anyway is rather defeatist and bleak. To take personal accountability for how you treat your environment and your fellow humans and other creatures that live on this planet is not really putting your head on the block. It actually is kind of a beautiful thing to respect your environment, as well as other people and cultures and whatnot, and you get positive feedback and it makes your life and the lives of those around you better. I'm not really saying that anyone needs to lose their head here. If anything I'm saying we should use our heads more. There are solutions to social justice problems and to environmental problems. It's going to take a lot of work to truly get down to the root causes and fix these things. I don't know what the solutions are, but I'm pretty sure that saying "it's a waste of time" is not the best solution. It pisses me off to see this pervasive culture of "well, I can't make a difference so I won't even try". That's the kind of attitude that allows injustice to happen on all sorts of levels. It can be uncomfortable at a personal level to reflect on what we have done in certain situations and realize that we have been doing things wrong. To not do so however, is to reject a better future in favor of the short term. I would highly encourage anyone to reflect on social justice and other issues with an attitude of "my opinions matter, and my actions make a difference on some level, however small". Obviously, no one is obliged to do this, but I think that it is rewarding on a personal level, and it probably won't cost you very much. I doubt that you or anyone else will end up with your head on the block as the result of a little introspection.
  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 11/05/2016 at 6:05 PM
    @ hishighness
    We don't pay taxes? Your parking lots and pollution are a blight on our landscape. We pay for the stupidity of your ignorance in ways that you couldn't imagine. Entitled people like yourself will have the toughest time adjusting to the harsh realities of the real world when it comes crashing in through your false sense of security and it will. I feel sorry for you, truly.
  • Posted by:
    Jonathan Pierce on 11/05/2016 at 4:24 PM
    Social justice is a waste of time. Resources are shrinking, populations are exploding, in 100 years equality could mean a bag of rice per year for everyone. Of course the real issue here is exponential population increase, and luckily that's a problem that eventually solves itself.

    It sounds like you may be of the point of view that you are entitled to the western lifestyle of over consumption, misuse and waste. Youre probably fine with the wholesale slaughter that takes place for the sake of the kind of people who have these selfish points of view, so they can feel like carnivores although they don't have the guts to slaughter their own meat. Chances are that you have never taken the time or put in the effort to hold yourself responsible for what you take from / give back to your environment. Most people on the earth are totally capable of living entirely sustainable lifestyles. It's the entitlement that we, the minority of people living in consumer world, that will destroy the world. Sadly it is the people who have the lowest impact on the state of our environment who will be in mortal danger because of the damage that the selfish, entitled, carnal class has done and will continue to do unrestrained.