JimmyJo | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Nov 6, 2010


  • Posted by:
    JimmyJo on 11/06/2010 at 2:14 PM
    I grew up in Newfoundland, half-black/white with very light skin. My black father is a lawyer, my white mother a Doctor. Many people mistake me for Hispanic, middle-eastern, once even Greek.

    As a result of my sometimes covert blackness, I believe I have had special insight into the racism that persists in the Atlantic provinces and across Canada. In one of my first law school social events a group of Canada's "top" students started telling derogatory black jokes. They didn't know I was half-black. If a dark-skinned black student had been there I can guarantee those jokes wouldn't have been uttered.

    Too many times have I been witness to racist comments from those not knowing that I am half-black. I doubt that if I was dark-skinned, many would have said the things in front of me. I've witnessed the racism that comes out in a room full of white and racist east-coasters and everywhere else.

    Believe me, racism is alive and well in white Canada. And those who deny it are either deceiving themselves or are just being plain defensive. As if they have nothing to apologize for.

    However many east-coasters are just good people, and for that I am grateful.