Halifax needs protected bike lanes | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Halifax needs protected bike lanes

Check out our video demonstration. The proof is in the watching.

Halifax needs protected bike lanes
It's simple math other places have already learned: More protected bike lanes = more cyclists - more injuries.

Lots of Haligonians are scared to ride their bikes more, because our streets are built for cars. And as any local bureaucrat can tell you, it's totally impossible to change the streets now. Except that lots of cities have added protected biking lanes to their roadways—retrofitting the street to be built for more than cars—with amazing results for increasing cycling.

Could Halifax be one of those not-just-for-cars cities? Do we even need protected bike lanes? Can you imagine if pedestrians were thrown out into traffic the way our bike are? The answers are yes, yes and, thanks to this fun video, yes. Enjoy.


PLANifax is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing awareness and educating the public to urban planning issues and principles.
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