Gag reflex | Opinion | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

To the editor,

Today I dragged my ass out of bed and hopped on the bus to go to work like usual. It seemed like an ordinary day—rainy weather and everyone looking out the windows to avoid eye contact. And then, from out of the mist...could it be? Yep, it's a dead and dismembered fetus! Just what I need, a bunch of freaks out in the pouring rain, holding five-foot high pictures of a rotting carcass! But wait—here's another, another, and another.

What the fuck is wrong with our police? These sick lunatics can plaster the highway with massive pictures of undeveloped babies, covered in blood, with their arms and legs and heads severed? I have to sit on the bus and watch people puke, and move to the other side of the bus to get away from them. Freedom of assembly and protesting is one thing, but to subject every travelling worker and child on my bus alone to those graphic and sick images is wrong and irresponsible.

You are nothing more than terrorists. You bomb buildings, you kill and assault human beings, you sit on your pulpits and claim to be better than the people you aim to protect, but you are really just religious extremists. Your little trick today only succeeded in desensitizing people even further than they are already. Our children thank you for their nightmares, you sick bastards.

By Hugh Morrison

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