Franko | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 27, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Franko on 03/27/2009 at 2:40 PM
    As a woman and a working mother I must throw up a huge middle digit to you POET. Are you seriously going to cry about not getting a job because you are a man? Reality check #1- the reason that there are hiring incentives is because since the beginning of the industrial revolution (minus a few years when you brave men were off at war) men and more specifically white men were the ONLY ones being considered for most jobs. Reality check #2 - If women's rights has come so far than how come every women I know works full time and still has to take care of ALL household responsibilities (Since you probably don't even know what that means I'll elaborate -making all your meals, doing all your dishes, cleaning up after you every day, washing all your clothes and putting up with all your bullshit!) Hiring incentives may just be our only one up in this whole male dominated world so bite me POET. If your angry cause you can't find a job blame your C- average and not all women cause you know what you owe your life to us -LITERALLY
  • Posted by:
    Franko on 03/27/2009 at 2:15 PM
    Re: “Best MC
    Expedyte was robbed!