A poor defenseless tree outside of the Scotiabank on Hollis Street has been partially toppled. | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

A poor defenseless tree outside of the Scotiabank on Hollis Street has been partially toppled.

A poor defenseless tree outside of the Scotiabank on Hollis Street has been partially toppled.

Remarks: Oh, won’t somebody please think of the saplings? This little guy was still young, in the prime of his life cycle – why, he barely had a chance to photosynthesize. Now, struck down by some careless twist of fate (or possibly a drunk), our fallen friend is destined to spend an unforgiving afterlife being trodden upon and ground into dirty, slushy snow. It’s the kind of end you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. We called HRM Public Works and spoke to a very helpful first line of reception named Darren Deion, who assured us that he would write up a report and pass it along to head tree-guy John Simmons. Like the mighty phoenix, will our leaf-bearing brother rise again? Or, at the very least, be replaced by a similar piece of urban greenery? Only time – and the HRM Public Works department – will tell.

Who's Responsible?: John Simmons, HRM Urban Forester. 490-4580.

Status: Fixed
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