Ej9 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Aug 18, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Eleizer Marval on 05/26/2017 at 9:46 PM
    Tim Bood and James Shearer I invite you to live in Venezuela if you believe Chavismo works for you. I'm sure all venezuelan immigrants in Canada would love it if you did! After that then your opinions may actually mean anything. Your commentaries are so offside and offensive to venezuelans that it really warrantd a response fron another 'real' venezuelan in Canada. Now of you are definining "real" Venezuelan someone who has deeply profited from chaviszmo and madurismo by lining their pockets with $ stolen from our descheleved oil company or many of the other exporpiated companies currently in shambles further driven to ruins by the goverment,or phony holding companis set up by goverment insiders to take advantage of the currency controls imposed by themselves, sure heck those folk would be please to stand next to you two defending what has left my beloved country in the biggest social and economic pile of doodoo that will impact many generations to come. Congrats to both you, 5 stars for swinging your opinionated uninformed views around.