Damien Jurado | Music | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Damien Jurado

And Now that I’m in your Shadow

Damien Jurado
And Now that I’m in your Shadow
(Secretly Canadian)
Listening to a Damien Jurado album is like watching a full season of Six Feet Under in one sitting—gratifying but emotionally draining. The hard part arises from the stories he creates—dark character studies depicting emotionally painful experiences. Yet his ability to craft tender melodies and seduce the listener with the soft, warm tone of his voice helps offset harsh topics. This album feels familiar and comforting. Using stark, minimalist textures (reminiscent of Ghost of David), he gives us more tales from the underbelly of America, where love triangles (“I Had No Intentions”) and displaced souls (“Denton, TX”) wait to be saved.
—Dave Hayden
categories: Canadian artist

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