Carolina Del Valle | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since May 26, 2017


  • Posted by:
    Carolina Del Valle on 05/26/2017 at 4:14 AM
    To James shearer. I know All the conspiratory theory but the problem is that chavismo it doesn't exist anymore. And it kill itself with all the actions that have made. All its lies. Madurismo has sel all the Amazonian to the worst transnationals.. has made expropriation of hundred of companies just for loosing all the production..has not support nationals farmers and we live more than before of importations...and the corruption it's not importated of lives in all Venezuelan goverment... I'm not going to talk about the control of food and the way that gooverment control people right now and neither of all the dies by lacking of medicine... or all the repress issues trying to plant fear and more...but this is not a socialist system by nothing... it's fake...