Bridget Curran | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Nov 13, 2009


  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 03/24/2011 at 9:57 AM
    This is obviously politically motivated. It is a make-work project for sealers disgruntled by the collapse of the commercial sealing industry. Sealers will be paid to cull these seals, and that money will come from Canadian taxpayers.

    It's obvious upon reading the report DFO Science is ignoring other causes of cod depletion. It admits it's not considering them, preferring instead to focus on seals on the off-chance killing a large number of grey seals might help cod.

    And what happens in five years when the experiment has proven a dismal failure and cod stocks have shown no sign of recovery? Will DFO then look at the many other causes, or will they simply declare they need to kill more seals?
    The timing of this report is interesting, with a federal election looming. What's that sound? I do believe it's the sound of Atlantic Canadian fishing/sealing votes being bought. Cha-ching...
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 03/14/2011 at 11:06 AM
    LOL @Bro Tim, DoubleDee was *never* my hero - where did you get the idea he was?
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 03/07/2011 at 8:02 PM
    What a disgrace. Duh-arrell Duh-exter should leave the House, and take his Caucus of Clowns with him...
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 12/29/2009 at 11:54 AM
    common sense, judging by your comments, you do not have experience with feral cats and you didn't bother to read this article in its entirety.

    First of all, feral cats will not attack anyone, unless they're cornered, have no means of escape and see no alternative. It's extremely difficult if not impossible to get close enough to a feral cat in order to corner them. Feral cats do not go looking for children or pets to attack, so to suggest they would attack a small child or kill a small and beloved pet is ridiculous. This is real life, not Monty Python with bunnies going for the throat.

    If you had read the article, you would see that your solution of simply rounding up the feral cats and killing them has never worked - the feral cats at the Dockyards were rounded up and exterminated but it didn't solve the problem. If you remove all feral cats from an area, feral cats from another area will move in. Rounding them up and killing them is a short-term solution. We need to expand our minds and consider long-term solutions.

    Again, if you'd bothered to read the article in its entirety you would have seen that nobody is suggesting we should just neuter them and turn them loose back on the streets. Many of these cats would be set up in a colony supervised by humans.

    As for your comment that feral cats mingle with cats of responsible owners, so-called responsible owners do not let their pets wander, and if they do let their cats wander, they would at least ensure the cat has its vaccinations.
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 11/14/2009 at 9:46 AM
    To those hysterically insisting the non-vaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated, you need to think that logic through again. The only ones threatened by the non-vaccinated are other non-vaccinated. If you're vaccinated, you're safe. That's supposedly what the vaccine is for - to keep you safe from the virus. To immunize against the virus. Understand? Vaccine = immunize against virus. Sheesh, just another example of herd mentality. Follow the leader blindly, repeating what s/he says without giving it any independent thought.
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 11/14/2009 at 9:36 AM
    I agree with her decision. There are many natural ways to avoid contracting Swine Flu. I doubt that anyone here criticizing her decision spends as much time and energy plugging into their kids' well-being and takes the time and energy to ensure they're well and healthy every day, not just when flu season comes round.

    Swine flu originated from intensive animal farming practices. Same as Mad Cow and Bird Flu. My guess is that the majority of people on here criticizing this woman force-feed factory-farmed meat into their children every day. Examine your own behaviour and the risks to which you're exposing your own children instead of condemning someone who has the courage to question what she's being told and to do things her own way.
  • Posted by:
    Bridget Curran on 11/14/2009 at 9:23 AM
    I think it's a great idea to privatize this land into the hands of those who truly respect and safeguard nature, and keep it clear of rednecks with rifles and the corrupt NS government which recently set a dangerous precedent of handing over provincially-protected wilderness land (Hay Island) to commercial industry (sealers).