Best Book 2017 | Arts + Culture

Best of Halifax

Best Book

Best Book
Bart Vautour

Gold Winner Notes from a Feminist Killjoy, Erin Wunker

Silver Winner Disposable Souls, Phonse Jessome

Bronze Winner Bad Things Happen, Kris Bertin

“I wrote this really quickly. I think about my writing for a very, very long time and I read a lot,” says Erin Wunker, author of your favourite book Notes From a Feminist Killjoy. “So by the time I sit down and write, it does usually come very quickly.” The contract-to-publication for the essays comprising Killjoy was a scant 11 months, launching with a capacity crowd at Art Bar, where readers including El Jones and Meghan Hubley recited some of Wunker’s work. “It was packed, they had to turn people away,” says Wunker. “That to me was shocking, because my name doesn’t circulate in the city and nor does it need to, but people came out because of the name of the book.” The tome is already being taught in university classes from here to Alberta. “Winning this acknowledgement gives me hope because we have so much work to do in Halifax around intersectional feminist issues, anti-racist issues,” she says. “I find it heartening.”

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