Aveledo Evelyn | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since May 26, 2017


  • Posted by:
    Aveledo Evelyn on 05/26/2017 at 12:14 AM
    James Shearer... Please go to youtube and watch the hundreds of real time video clips of the atrocities happening now in Venezuela. It is at all levels. The poor are even worst off than before Chavez, while the Chavistas-Maduristas are filthy rich with all the riches of the country and the drug cartel. No food, no medicine, no security, no industry. People are dying in hospitals for the lack of medicine. People are dying of hunger eating from the garbage. Babies are dying from simple infections because there are no antibiotics and if you are diabetic well, good luck because there is no insulin. Check the many different news broadcast before you comment something so inane. The country is in ruins and Chavez and his failed government is to blame. Btw. I'm a real Venezuelan.