Asha Cheema | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Feb 4, 2012


  • Posted by:
    Asha Cheema on 01/28/2013 at 6:48 PM
    I am confused..... does not every car have a speedometer? This worries me! Should we be asking the city to post more of these signs to tell people how fast they are going? Are you kidding me seriously??
  • Posted by:
    Asha Cheema on 02/04/2012 at 11:47 AM
    When you see a sign that tells you to merge you effing merge at your first opportunity... You dont pass everyone to try and CUT people off... Its not at all about being a non confident driver its following effin signs! I drive from Joe howe to New bridge every day and nothing makes me more disgusted then when I merge into the the right lane heading towards the bridge because I damn well know the roads and now that if I stay in the left it will take me downtown. Yes there are granted people that do not realize this but trust me after doing this drive for the last 2 years.... people see trucks and buses in the front and there first reaction is to pass them...

    I will be and am the one that pulls out and blocks a lane on the 102 when there is contruction so that your ass can wait in line like everyone else... judging from everyone else that follows suit... I am not the only one! I will also be the person that does not let you in because all you need to do is slow down and go behind me but you feel the urge to pass me... I WILL make you miss your exit.