Annaleisa Scigliano | Food | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Annaleisa Scigliano

A pastry chef who’s baked up goodness at Fox Harb’r and Gio is know shaping minds at NSCC.

Pastry arts instructor, NSCC

A pastry chef since 2002, Annaleisa Scigliano trained at NSCC before working at restaurants like Fox Harb'r Resort and Gio. Since 2012 she's been teaching baking and pastry arts at NSCC's Kingstec campus in Kentville. "I always felt like I was training anyways when I was working," she laughs. She credits Jean-Luc Doridam for really focusing on developing the art of the college program, and Scigliano is carrying on the excellence in that department. "Ours is new program, but the same curriculum. I'm hoping to showboat what we can do as well."

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