Angela Jones's campaign is in limbo until October 2 | City | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Angela Jones's campaign is in limbo until October 2

Justice Richard Coughlan needs time to decide on contested Cole Harbour candidacy.

Angela Jones's campaign is in limbo until October 2
Angela Jones.
Angela Jones will know for sure whether she is an eligible candidate to represent District 4: Cole Harbour - Westphal in the upcoming city elections by October 2. Election day is October 20, and early balloting starts October 6.

Jones was declared ineligible to run in the city council elections by the city’s election officer, Cathy Mellet. At issue is the validity of Jones’ current parental and maternal leave, scheduled to last until November 16, and whether this type of leave is in accordance with the Municipal Elections Act.

Jones requested a judicial review of the September 14 decision to declare Jones an ineligible candidate. Today in court, justice Richard Coughlan asked both parties—Angela Jones along with her lawyer, Matthew Moir, and Dan Campbell, representing HRM—to come to a consensus on an agreed statement of facts before they can move forward with the review. After an hour-long adjournment, both parties agreed to moving forward in order to make up the record.

Working under a very tight schedule with the election fast approaching, Coughlan set dates for both parties to provide him with the necessary paperwork leading up to October 2: By September 21, he must be provided with notice of participation, which will, if all goes well, include the agreed statement of facts. On September 24, Jones’s brief will be filed, and on September 26 the city’s brief will be filed. If a reply brief is necessary, it will be filed by September 28.

Jones is frustrated with the hold-up, but appreciative of the support she’s been getting from her district, and the rest of Halifax. “I am fighting so I can represent Cole Harbour. I hope this goes to show how much I want to win this election.”

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