Patrick Corbett | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Dec 25, 2014


  • Posted by:
    Patrick Corbett on 12/25/2014 at 8:15 PM
    This is not about censoring speech or boys will be boys; it is not solely about justice for the female classmates either. It is about violence against women, pernicious sexual violence! There are many reasons to believe what people say in jest. It doesn'necessarily mean that a person who jokes about incapacitating a woman to have sex with her will act on that but they ARE telling you the truth of what they would like to do!

    Let's remember when we excuse this behavior as boyish that it was aided and abetted by some faculty members or are they just boys too? Dentistry as practised in Canada is less than an honourable profession. It's practised and controlled mostly by privileged white men. It betrays a shameful disregard for the oral health of anyone whose income is below the median.

    Dalhousie as an institution is, sadly, just the most recent example of protecting privilege over justice. They are not even adhering to their own rules of conduct.

    Most of what needs to be said had already been said; little of what needs to be done has been done. Let's put the following into effect everywhere: No justice; no peace!