Sharon Criss | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Nov 15, 2018


  • Posted by:
    Sharon Criss on 11/15/2018 at 1:04 AM
    The Racism in Nova Scotia and all across Canada is still there but it is well hidden by many people all across the Province. Many times they will keep one African Nova Scotian person around just to say that they are not prejudice.
    The system that I find the worst is the Education System who hires causian teachers to teach
    African Studies when usually they don't even know what they are talking about let on teaching the subject properly to students.
    The Justice system treat African Nova Scotians with an iron fist, while causians walk away with a slap on the wrist and love being before the courts as to the causians it is a joke for them so why not do what you want.
    This list could go on and on in all the systems here in the province. We all have faced the full force of racial discrimination here.
    It would be nice to have another BUF who could oversee all these problems here in Nova Scotia as we have to endure racial slurs everytime we step outside of our homes and it is very painful and cuts you deeply and your black children who wonder why do we have to suffer such pain?
    Praying someday that things will get better but I highly doubt that I will see it in my lifetime as I am an Elder now.