pj1 | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Apr 10, 2018


  • Posted by:
    pj1 on 11/20/2018 at 9:12 PM
    Don't get me wrong. I fully agree that everyone should pay their fair share of tax and nobody should be using this to avoid taxes. I also agree that some standardizing would only help the marketplace.

    That being said, you will find that the reviews do offer incentives to the property owners to provide a good service. A bad review will immediately hurt your bottom line.

    My point is that there are benefits to the community. So hopefully the community can take steps to minimize the negative issues while taking advantage of the benefits from the direction the market wants to go.
  • Posted by:
    pj1 on 11/15/2018 at 5:40 PM
    So many groups are focused on why Airbnb is bad. There are many benefits to communities that are never pointed out.

    We often use this type of service when we travel. It allows us to stay longer and take our kids. We wouldn't be able to afford to eat out three times a day feeding four people. We also have more money to spend in the communities. We always try to find the local bakers, butchers and markets.

    The profits we leave behind stay in the communities. When someone stays in a hotel, eats in a hotel (or Chain), most of the profits will end up in New York before the vacation is over.

    I would be curious to know who funds the anti ABB studies. It is obvious that the ones with the most money have the most to lose if individuals are allowed to play in their game. It is very obvious that the customer wants this type of service. So why not look for ways to make it work for everyone. There is plenty of room for everyone, the hotels run 100% occupied many times per year.
  • Posted by:
    pj1 on 04/10/2018 at 11:29 PM
    Maybe a CFL stadium will fix the problem. Can't wait to start paying for the next brilliant government mistake!