beerguy | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 12, 2009


  • Posted by:
    beerguy on 03/12/2009 at 9:28 PM
    Re: “Take your pils
    "True lager beers must be cold-fermented with special lager yeast"

    Sorry Craig, but it's cool, NOT cold-fermented. And it's not "special" lager yeast. It's just lager yeast, which is a different species of Saccharomyces.

    "Lager production is longer than ale production, so tying up tanks for lager beer can put a strain on full capacity breweries that specialize in ale production."

    Once again, this is completely untrue. Ales ferment at a much higher temperature and reach attenuation much sooner than lagers. The aging/cellar process is pretty much identical, thus lager production time is actually shorter than ales.
  • Posted by:
    beerguy on 03/12/2009 at 9:08 PM
    Re: “Hoppy trails
    Nash notes, "Filtering a hoppy beer like this essentially neuters it.' Filtration strips away body, mouthfeel, aromatics, flavour,as well as minerals and vitamins that I'd rather see remain. Beer is an excellent source of trace minerals and vitamin B complex in its natural state."
    WOW! Did this guy sleep thru brewing school. Spent hop materials also contain a lot of very unpleasant (undesirable) protein solids & aromatics. And where did he dream up the idea that filtration removed body, mouthfeel, vitamins and minerals? How about separating the dead & dying yeast cells that impart that overcooked hot dog taste...yuk!!!!