me, myself & I | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 10, 2009


  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 03/13/2010 at 9:47 AM
    What a sad fucking place this LTWWB has turned into. A legitimate bitch about something real, not some fantasy shit made up to troll and the bulk of you are too fucking lazy to even read it. Next time I'll try to dumb it down and keep it to under two paragraphs for ya's, so as not to take up too much of your obviously valuable, precious time. At least I'm doing something about it, in going after the city to post signs, instead of being an apethetic pig, sitting on my ass all day, trying to come up with witty comments to take the wind out of someone elses sail.
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 12/10/2009 at 3:40 PM
    There is a program called "sandboxie" which is great for safely browsing suspicious webpages, opening suspicious files, etc. Everybody should have thisinstalled on their PC. It can save a LOT of Grief! Look into it.
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 05/07/2009 at 2:05 PM
    "pay attention children, this is what you do when a bum comes along and steals your cans. you lay in wait and then you assault him... teach 'm real good. yup.

    Keep up the good work, Dad.


    Hey Davis, I never said this guy was a did. I said that there have been other "bottle bum" bitches, but I was not directly implying that this guy was a bum of any sort, what I meant was we have already covered the subject of people who feel they have the right to help themselves to others property.

    This happened two days after my Daughter had her new (bought late last year) bike stolen right out of our back yard as well. Am I pissed about bet....did I bitch about it, nope because at the end of the day, it was my fault for not making sure that the bike was put away properly or locked up by either my daughter or myself...our fault....not much room to complain there I guess, other than to gripe about people thinking my property is a "come help yourself store, everything is free".

    As for the rest of your comment...give me a little credit (even though you don't know me), The last thing I want to do is to impart to my children that violence is the answer, and we all know, or at least I would hope we all know that most of the chest puffing and "i'm gonna do this, and I'm gonna do that" comments posted here, are mostly hot air...but you know really helps to relieve the stress and hostility I feel towards this guy. Maybe you own nothing of value, or have never had anything that was yours taken or damaged. It's not a nice feeling, and certainly when it's something that you have worked hard for. Would I really try to shove some cans up this guys ass...probably not, but it sure was fun thinking about doing it. More than likely, if I see this guy again, I will tell him in no uncertain terms what I think of his "help myself" attitude, and warn him of repercussions if I catch him doing it again.

    So tell me Davis, how would YOU react in a similar situation, what would YOU do and think if it was you on the losing end of it. What bits of wisdom would YOU impart to your kids? That sometimes in life mean nasty people do things to you and by god, you don't want to stoop to their level, so you just bendover and take one for the team? It's better to say nothing and just sweep the whole thing under the rug?
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 05/06/2009 at 3:36 PM
    Re: “UFO Nuts...
    I guess the real question here then is if these "nuts" piss you off so much, why the fuck did you go to a convention yourself. Were you probed around the anal region? Did you have sex with 6 legged, no armed Cardassian bull grog? Maybe you didn't get probed around the anal region and that's the real issue here, because you feel left out. You don't have to travel to the far reaches of the galaxy to get that, just break a couple of local laws and get yer arse chucked into jail. I'm sure there are a few big "Aliens" there that would be glad to check your temperature with their "thermometer"...rectally of course.

    What a stupid fucing thing to bitch about!!

    Scotty beam me up (which incidentally, apparently was NEVER said in any episode of the original series of Star Trek, but that's another bitch).
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 04/24/2009 at 9:39 AM
    Re: “Finders Keepers
    You speaking from experience Kay? You sure sound quite positve about that.
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 04/15/2009 at 2:32 PM
    Jesus Christ, how's about's about you GO FUCK YOURSELF!! Now there's something newsworthy....someone that could actually fuck themself! In fact, in some twisted way, I'd probably even pay money to see you GO FUCK YOURSELF! I mean it's not everyday you can see someone GO FUCK THEMSELVES. Maybe they ain't writing stories, cause you aren't worth the digital ink? Geez, look at me, I'm a musician that can GO FUCK HIMSELF, love me, applaud me, buy my CD's...Listen Brittany/Kanye/Madonna/ FUCK THEMSELVES almost on a daily basis, Kanye almsot everytime he opens his there is the answer right want recognition and press...then the answer is simple...yup you guessed it....G O F U C K Y O U R S E L F!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Posted by:
    me, myself & I on 04/13/2009 at 3:00 PM
    I don't know about around here in Nova Scotia, but in England, the minute you get out of your car, it is automatically a Road Rage case. Doesn't matter how much of a dick you think the other driver is/was, the mere fact that you are getting out of your car means it can be thrown back on you as a Road Rage case, especially if you go up and pound on the guys windows. Is it really worth getting a ticket because someone did a fucking stupid driving move that you didn't agree with? The laws stance is probably take down as much info as possible, ie license plate, make, model, colour, time and place of offence and report it. If the police receive several complaints they are obligated to investigate. That all being said, yeah I'd probably chase the cunt down as well if I thought waranted, but I would like to think I wouldn't do it at the expense of the safety of any passengers I might have, or other drivers in vehicles around me. Funny thing is, well it's not actually funny, but you have to be careful whose window you run up to and start pounding on....I mean, whose to say the arsehole isn't someone who hasn't just pulled an armed robery and is driving erratically because he/she is trying to get away, or is all cracked up, and when they see you running up to their car, they figure the jig is up and would rather pull a gun and shoot your ass, then stop and listen to what you thought of their driving abilities?