responsible dog owner | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Mar 7, 2009


  • Posted by:
    responsible dog owner on 03/07/2009 at 10:46 AM
    Re: “Saving Brindi
    I am dissapointed that this article was so one sided and did not reflect the real cause of Brindi's incarceration by Animal Control Services. Ms Lowe should of read the court transcripts... Brindi had attacked 4 times - the last attack was on a service dog while Brindi was under a muzzle order. Ms. Rogier idea of fencing her property is laughable if it was not so tragic - chicken wire?! Ms. Rogier has done this dog a disservice by not properly containing the dog on her property. She is the perfect example of an irresponsible dog owner.Brindi should be rehomed to an experienced dog owner that would work with trainers to deal with her dog on dog aggressive tendencies. Or be sent to a reputable sanctuary where staff are trained to deal with dogs with issues.
    Ms. Rogier claims she is the champion fighting our existing A300 bylaws which are flawed BUT did she ever speak at the A300 public hearings - NO. Too little too late.