One_hundo | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Feb 19, 2009


  • Posted by:
    One_hundo on 07/08/2009 at 11:04 AM
    I had just heard about the singing commentary, so it made me want to go back and review it. (Plus, for some reason, Blockbuster only got the the DVD recently, and since I'm based in New Glasgow, Blockbuster is sadly my main DVD-source.)

  • Posted by:
    One_hundo on 02/19/2009 at 10:46 AM
    Re: “The Lookout
    It's been a while since I first watched "The Lookout," so I'll have to give it a re-watch sometime soon to see if I'm still sticking with my impressions of it at the time. ("Best DVDs of the Year" also inevitably end up being "Best DVDs the critic writing about them has seen that year," if that helps at all.) I do remember that I liked the scenes with JGL and Jeff Daniels hanging out at their house, and JGL dealing with his memory loss more than the bank-heist stuff---so I think what I was appreciating at the time was all those scenes, which felt fresher than the rest of the movie, and for me, made it worthwhile/more memorable than it would have been otherwise.
