parrybound | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 31, 2009


  • Posted by:
    parrybound on 01/05/2012 at 1:47 PM
    Why don't you go back to Arkansas?
  • Posted by:
    parrybound on 02/25/2009 at 12:31 AM
    The princess is awesome. It is like the Oxford, without the guilt.
  • Posted by:
    parrybound on 02/23/2009 at 7:20 AM
    I don't really see you backing your opinion up with any fact. I also don't see what is criminal about protesting. No HCAP member has even been convicted of a criminal offense: "disturbing the peace" and "resisting arrest" are cover-your-ass charges police use when they want to get someone out of the way, quickly. These people are released shortly after their arrests, and go on to win their court cases. If you think protesting is a criminal offense, you should move to Burma or China, maybe you will live happier there, where protest is actually illegal, not just in your imagination.
  • Posted by:
    parrybound on 02/10/2009 at 8:07 AM
    Re: “Persian diversion
    Crispy rice's best name is cocolón, in South American cooking
  • Posted by:
    parrybound on 01/31/2009 at 12:04 PM
    HCAP does good work in the community for zero credit, and only get publicity when they do a confrontational public demo, which is once or twice a year.

    What has HCAP vandalized, according to you? Name one article of public property that HCP is responsible for vandalizing.

    Secondly, criminals? Name one HCAP member who has been convicted of a criminal offense. Can think of one? Oops.

    Maybe you should shut your fucking mouth and do something for someone else for a change.