poop | Halifax, Nova Scotia | THE COAST

Member since Jan 19, 2009



  • Posted by:
    poop on 03/05/2015 at 12:32 PM
  • Posted by:
    poop on 08/08/2014 at 12:48 PM
    Re: “Annual insult
    I wonder what the "police" will think of the aggressive comments YOU'VE made on this board to other posters, WAC? Same goes for you, LS.

  • Posted by:
    poop on 07/24/2014 at 5:53 PM
    HaliOOPs, you are (again) feeding into the stereotype. The article you posted has nothing to do with the breed, the owner of this dog was being physically bullied and picked on and her dog reacted in a defensive way, albeit aggressive. I'm not saying this was the victims fault, but I also don't believe this animal poses a risk to the public based on this incident.
    Euthanizing this dog does nothing but feed further into the bullshit stereotype and further perpetuate the problem. He should be placed with someone who has the patience to train him how to react in situations like these so it doesn't happen again.
  • Posted by:
    poop on 07/19/2014 at 10:34 AM
    I don't hear this word much, but what really irritates me is hearing "at the end of the day" used in a sentence.

    Ugh. Stop that.
  • Posted by:
    poop on 07/19/2014 at 10:26 AM
    As both a cat/dog owner, this bitch is total rubbish. Owning a cat requires a lot less effort, so of course it's an easier pet to care for. Cats are very independent while dogs require a lot of consistency and discipline. Comparing the two is just silly, and really, owning a pet shouldn't just be about the owner. Yes our pets enrich our lives and make us happy, but you have a very backwards and selfish way of thinking here, OP. As a pet owner your biggest responsibility is to make sure that you're fulfilling the life of your pet just as much as they fulfill yours. For dogs, this means getting off your arse and being physical. Terrible, I know! :P

    I'm sure your cat is very well taken care of and you do all you can to make sure he/she is healthy and happy, but please stick to owning cats and never get a dog as a pet. You'd be a disaster, OP.
  • Posted by:
    poop on 07/08/2014 at 6:55 PM
    Oh no, I don't believe you're sure of yourself at all. Especially not after reading that last post of yours.

    Yeah, GDM, small lakes are definitely not ok, because the dirt from a dog could cause enough pollution to permanently damage the water! The ocean is totes OK though because it's bigger than a lake. Duh!
  • Posted by:
    poop on 07/08/2014 at 4:48 PM
    Shit in my mouth?? Just Settle down there, chief.

    As someone who seems pretty sure of themselves and the point you keep trying to make, don't you think that a dog who is locked up during the day might benefit from some off-leash exercise? I dunno, it seems like a no brainer to me. Our animals aren't "locked up in a one bedroom (etal) apartment all day long" - they are both crated during the day while we are at work, and yes, when we get home they're both full of all kinds of energy and excitement, so off-leash exercise is a must for thier overall balance / health. (And before you go calling this animal abuse - don't. You sound ridiculous.)
    We're lucky enough to own a home with a decent sized fenced-in backyard, so we spend a fair amount of time throwing balls and frisbees for them back there, but it still isn't enough so we also try to get them out to different parks and lakes (swimming is such great exercise for dogs, but i'm sure you have a problem with that too) to burn off thier energy whenever we can.
    I'm also not a douchebag, and pick up after my animals. I obviously can't speak for every dog owner out there, kinda like how YOU obviously can't speak for every human out there who leaves trash, urine and cigarette butts in the parks and public green spaces of HRM. But that's not important, because clearly dogs are the real problem here.
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