Public Gardens Vandalism | The Coast Halifax

Public Gardens Vandalism

Listen up, you little twat flaps who vandalized the Public Gardens - you might think this is all very funny but I'll betcha my left testicle that Karma is gonna bitch slap your thick heads so hard your fucking teeth will fly out of your idiot gobs. It mi

Published May 10, 2007.Public Gardens Vandalism

Listen up, you little twat flaps who vandalized the Public Gardens - you might think this is all very funny but I'll betcha my left testicle that Karma is gonna bitch slap your thick heads so hard your fucking teeth will fly out of your idiot gobs. It might take a week, a month, a year or a decade but you are gonna get what's coming to you. I hope that one day someone takes something you love and destroys it totally.

Public Gardens Lover