You quit and turned your back | The Coast Halifax

You quit and turned your back

When we met, it was a whirlwind. We fell in love quick and hard. We married after three years. Everything was perfect. We had a great life. THEN, you got a new job which required you to be away for six months prior to starting said job. Life was about to get even better. The day you came home, you told me you were miserable and wanted a divorce. You turned your back on me and everything we had built together. Radio silence... you cut me out, my family, mutual friends and more. There was no talking about it, you had made your mind up. You were finally financially stable enough to support yourself. You said there was no one else… we'll see. Just a tip for you with future boyfriend(s) (or current) or husband: As a masters student in communications, maybe a little communication is key. Yes, we both had problems, but why lie to your family and friends and say it wasn't working out between us? YOU quit and walked away from almost 10 years without so much as a thought about fighting for it. Now I'm the one renting a room from a friend and your the success you always hoped to be. I really hope you do find happiness and I hope the right people see this to set the record straight. That you ripped my heart out and wiped your asshole with it. —Barely Coping