Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques, Halifax Campus | The Coast Halifax

Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques, Halifax Campus

This Traditional Osteopathy course is easy for working professionals to attend.

Crystal Finley
I'm a massage therapist at Agricola Holistic Health.

Studying osteopathy at the Collège d'Études Ostéopathiques has opened up a whole new perspective to me, as someone who is working as a massage therapist. I first discovered osteopathy when I got sick in high school, and nothing else seemed to be working for me personally. It was the principal of CEO in Halifax, Peter Goodman, who helped me get better. That experience has pushed me to studying osteopathy now.

The practice of osteopathy takes the whole body into consideration. Everything is addressed—from the nervous system, to musculature, to organs and the endocrine system. It is a method that takes a very global approach to helping the body. Our course teaches Traditional Osteopathy, which involves manipulation and adjustment of the body's systems.

I adore the program that I'm taking right now. The teachers are great, and help me to approach the body and people in a way I've never seen.

The program is split up into seven five-day modules, once a month, that span over five years. The main focus of the courses is to learn in-depth theory, anatomy and physiology, and apply that to a clinical setting. Each of the modules builds on what you've already learned, so we are introduced to a cumulative learning process.

On top of that the program is structured in such a way to make it easy to attend for working professionals like me. Not only am I learning the skills that will allow me to work in a clinic, but also to hopefully open my own practice someday.