Stop Yanking Your Dog's Neck OFF! | The Coast Halifax

Stop Yanking Your Dog's Neck OFF!

To the assholes I see on a regular basis, be it on the streets of Halifax or the parks and green spaces, please extract your ignorant, abusive heads from your asses and realize that when you yank as hard as you can on your dogs leash, and therefore neck, you are being abusive as hell. If you can't take the time and patience it requires to train your dog, you shouldn't have one. At the very least, you should get a proper harness to control them (and not those annoying little ropes that go around their nose). Why do you have one? I sincerely hope and pray, that in your next life, you come back as a dog and you have an owner just like you. An owner who drags you past the lovely smells that you want to spend a minute or two taking in, an owner who yanks your neck off when you don't move as fast as they would like, or pull with excitement in an effort to forge ahead. An owner who threatens you, yells at you, and scares you for being who you are, a dog. The loyal dog that loves them despite all the terrible treatment.

You're not training them, you are abusing them. You're not animal lovers, you are assholes and you will get what's coming to you in your next life, whether you believe in karma or not.

And to my neighbor who walks her dog 10 feet across the street to the shitty little park every morning and then leaves him alone all day long. GIVE HIM AWAY TO SOMEONE WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF HIM. He is a sweet dog and deserves more than to serve the one purpose which is ensuring you don't have to sleep in your apartment alone. —SO Tired of shitty dog owners