Grumpy senior lady | The Coast Halifax

Grumpy senior lady

Who do you think you are? Do you think being elderly gives you the inherent right to be offensive and rude in front of my children? You are not likely reading this but for bitch sake's, lets see if others would be offended....shall we? See it's a Saturday at a very busy grocery store near the Forum. I have my 2 kids in tow nattering at me for a chocolate bar. I put my groceries down on the cash register, this senior is in front of me buying 4 boxes of Hambuger Helper and fumbling around for a $1 off coupon. Thats cool... take your time. Just then... she turns to me and snaps... "wait your turn!" Then she starts picking up MY groceries and flinging them back on the conveyor belt. She snaps again "I hate people who push their stuff in front of me when I am paying" I say, "look lady... relax... take you time but keep your hands off my groceries and stop being so rude in front of my kids." The cashier is shaking her head and the people behind me are laughing at how stupid this woman is. As she walked away.....I said "girls, look at that woman walking away. That's how you do not act when you get older..." Being elderly does not give you the inherent right to be rude. That's it. —Grocery Store Stressor