Pedestrians, drivers, both assholes | The Coast Halifax

Pedestrians, drivers, both assholes

There are bicycle lanes in Halifax. They're amazing. They are also the ONE place a cyclist feels safe on the road. On some of our streets I have two options; Ride in the road and risk some asshole trying to overtake me, when there is clearly not enough room, and running me off the road; Try to ride next to the sidewalk on the green strip as to not be in the way of pedestrians but not in danger of being smashed into parked cars by idiotic drivers.

So where do I go? I have been hit by too many cars, yelled at by too many pedestrians. I'm sorry, but for all of the cities around the world that I have lived in, none have been so un-accommodating to cyclists. It's pathetic, and I will start riding fully on the sidewalk if I have to, because I will not put my life in danger when there are so many people on the road willing to run me down so they can make the next light.

The next light is going to be red when you get there anyway buddy. It's seven seconds to red from when the numbers hit zero for pedestrians. Simple math. I'm not keeping you from making your light, but you might be keeping me from making it home alive. —Tired of Being Run Over